“Step Up To Quality Everyday-Taught In Musical Way.”
The Arm Your Child With Music workshops are designed to help educators, parents, and community leaders address National Kindergarten Readiness Standards and offer 21st century methods to align music with Early Learning Content Standards. The interactive presentation also incorporates strategies to address other social and academic problems facing young children during their formative years.
Presentations have included the National Head Start Conference, the National Association for the Education of Young Children and Early Childhood classrooms and conferences, plus many accredited programs at colleges and childcare centers.
The interactive EDUCATOR’s Workshops are Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) approved trainings by the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services (ODJFS).
Presentations have included the National Head Start Conference, the National Association for the Education of Young Children, Early Childhood conferences, plus many accredited programs at colleges, and childcare centers.
CLASSROOM Children’s Workshop Presentation
Children are guided through the songs and interactive challenges to speak their whole name, identify body parts, colors and other activities to stimulate a fun approach to learning, plus address the various elements that support the Early Learning Content Standards.
This Music and Movement presentation is usually presented in the classroom for a minimum of once a week for four weeks or one week for four consecutive days. It lasts for 45-60 minutes, with follow up as requested. The multi-day presentation consistency helps students and teachers strengthen these life enriching concepts. It also helps teachers observe and adapt to the individual learning needs of the students. This interactive workshop’s curriculum concentrates on Kindergarten Readiness as it relates to socialization, literacy, abuse prevention and self awareness.
We are pleased to make available the Arm Your Child With Music Workshops for adults and children. For the past twenty years, Keith M. Jackson has been evolving the components that make the workshop a very innovative and exciting addition to the recorded package. It is a high energy and fast paced interactive presentation designed for children and adults participating in an early childhood experience or from Pre-K through Kindergarten. From Mr. Jackson’s personal presentations, nationally and internationally, there have been numerous acknowledgments from teachers and parents. One school writes “as a direct result of the presentation of the song Body Parts, a child was able to speak freely to a teacher about abuse at home. In another situation, a four year old was able to call 911 because of abandonment by a frustrated parent. In still other situations, the adult presentation has brought forth many adults who suffered abuse as children and were unable to discuss it with anyone before. As a result of the workshop, they are now receiving counseling and creating a new life for themselves and the children who’s lives they affect.
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