Your Child With Music tm
Step Up to Quality Every Day in a Musical Way
Welcome to Arm Your With Music tm on the web.
The Songs
* Promote Language and Literacy Development and
* Address one or more of the following
Early Learning and Development Standards -Focus on birth through Kindergarten
Early Learning and Development Standards -Focus on birth through Kindergarten
- Approaches Towards Learning (AL)
- Cognition Development (CO)
- Creative Development (CR)
- Language and Literacy Development (LL)
- Mathematics (MA)
Number Sense
Number Releationships and Operations
Geometry - Physical Development and Wellness (PW)
Motor Development
Wellness - Science (SC)
Science Inquiry and Application - Social and Emotional Development (SE)
Self- Awareness
Self- Regulation
Social Awareness
Relationship Skills - Social Studies (SS)
People, Communities, and their Environment
CD is loaded with many ways for children to benefit from musical experiences.
Music is also featured in Ohio Approved(OA-L1) workshop
Exploring Music With Young Children-
According to the United States Education Department, Music is a part of the Core Curriculum of academic subjects. As a result, it remains a powerful tool for teaching.
- Kindergarten Readiness Songs of different musical styles, beats and tempos that focus on Language and Literacy Development and General Knowledge
- Music that encourages Physical Well-Being and Motor Development and Approaches Towards Learning. Pay Attention Learn To Listen
- Introductions to Physical Science concepts like Colors in Nature These Bones Under My Skin and Body Parts
- Social and Emotional concepts, All My Friends Are Different, Look A Special Mirror
Keith M. Jackson, B.A., M.S., Creative Director for Arm Your Child With Musictm LLC, is a professional
musician, composer, educator, entertainer, and author. A native of Cleveland Ohio, Keith has performed his musical programs throughout the United States and abroad for over 25 years. They include Arm Your Child with Music workshops, jazz and gospel concerts, plus other popular music forms. He has a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in vocal music, Masters of Science degree in Education Administration and a prek-12 Principal’s license for the state of Ohio. He continues to perform, teach music and technology, plus serves as minister of music and a community mentor.
Keith is also listed with the Ohio Child Care Resource & Referral Association (OCCRRA). (Ohio Approved) workshops:
Exploring Music With Young Children-
- Using Technology in the Early Childhood Settings
- Family Engagement
- Leadership Module
- CDA prep courses 1 -9
As a professional musician and educator, I enjoy teaching Early Childhood educators:
- How to have fun daily teaching in the classroom.
- How to infuse music across the curriculum
- How to look for creative ways to keep families engaged in their child’s ongoing development in the program.
- How to integrate music across the curriculum to address Standards and Enhance Character Development.
The Arm Your Child With Music program offers a wide range of music styles. The Songs promote school readiness skills, multicultural awareness and how to recognize signs of child and family abuse. YouTube videos of songs
Performances in school settings include teaching the music from the CD, as well demonstrating for teachers effective ways to incorporate songs into lesson plans to address the target learning skills.
Arm Your Child With Music concert clip
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